Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Culturally Specific Illness and Cure

Title: Susto


Relation: Displays diversity among cultures and the psychology of "medicine" within a specific example.

Commentary: Susto is a cultural illness, specifically a fright sickness. People with Susto commonly have strong psychological effects. Common in Mexico, South America, and Central America, it is believed to be the actual loss of soul from the body, typically related to some type of traumatic experience or loss. "Espanto" is a more fatal case of this illness. This case shows a strong relation to psychology within this group. Psychologists as we know them would probably discard this theory, due to the actual physical loss of the soul from the traumatic experience. However, apparently it is not all too uncommon in certain parts of the world.

Some symptoms of Susto include anorexia, nervousness, diarrhea, and insomnia. There is a ceremony known as the limpieza, where the victim recalls the traumatic event, lays down on a crucifix, and allows the healer to pray and try to cleanse him. Other treatments of Susto include the consumption of orange blossom and marijuana tea. Figs boiled in vinegar is also supposed to work for treating Susto.

1 comment:

  1. Good connection to text! What are your views/beliefs/feelings/questions on the matter though?
