Thursday, October 6, 2011


Title: Frame of mind and brainwashing

Source: text from RR (98-99)

Relation: Description of "frame" and analysis on the development and outcomes. Connection to the idea of brainwashing.

Commentary: By definition, frames are the mental structures that shape the way we see the world. So therefore, as far as I see it, "brainwashing" would be considered the development of some frames. I'm definitely not saying that all frames are a form of brainwash. But I do believe that some would be considered as such. This is especially true when one is young, or at a vulnerable age where the mind is just starting to form basic ideas of the word on it's own. That's where parents come into the picture.

Parents who raise their kids, do so in a certain way that THEY see fit. So it could be something like teaching your kid that germs are bad and if you don't protect yourself you will get a virus. Or it could be something along the lines of having a racist parent, and being brought up in that household. Either way, both examples would definitely shape a young child's mind into something that it was exposed to.

Of course the person can grow to change the pattern, or their frame of mind. Radical changes in the way a person thinks was discussed in the text. For example, I was the kid who always thought I was going to get sick. It wasn't until I really thought about why, when I discovered it was because it was the way I was raised. I am a living product of my upbringing. Everybody is. And like it or not, it's a form of brainwash, because we are too young and naive and a certain age to understand whether or not we should argue or believe our own mental development.

1 comment:

  1. Good connections to both your personal life and what you are learning in class :)
